The University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Anesthesiology celebrated Match Day on Friday, March 15th! Our department members gathered to eat lunch and watch medical students celebrate Match Day at the UW School of Medicine …
Residents travel to Zambia, South Africa to participate in global health program
In January 2024, CA3 residents Michael Gyorfi, Erica Janz, and Sylvia Rakke joined faculty Joel Johnson as a part of the Global Academic Anesthesia Consortium (GAAC) program at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia, …
Kristin Bevil recipient of the 2024 Rising Star Clinical Educator Physician Excellence Award!
Congratulations, Kristin Bevil, MD! She has been selected to receive a UW Health Rising Star Clinical Educator Physician Excellence Award! Her colleagues nominated her for this highly prestigious honor. Dr. Bevil will receive her award …
Deborah Rusy attends the 18th Annual World Congress of Anaesthesiologists in Singapore
Deborah Rusy, MD, MBA, FASA, presented abstracts at the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA) in Singapore last week, March 3–7th. The Congress includes representation from over 130 countries. The next WCA will be held in …
The department welcomed two visiting professors this February
The Department of Anesthesiology hosted visiting professors William Gross, MD, PhD, and Stuart Hameroff, MD this February. William Gross, MD, PhD visited the first full week of February. Dr. Gross presented “Toward an Implanted Language …
Residents Attend Airway Workshop at the UW Vet School
In an era of videolarngoscopes and extraglottic airway devices, the need for invasive airway management has become a rare event. The National Audit Projects 4 (NAP4) determined that invasive airway management was required in only …
Congrats to Whitney Fallahian, MD and Stephen Lockwood, MD for their article featured in Anesthesiology Journal
Whitney Fallahian, MD, and Stephen Lockwood, MD, were recently featured in the Anesthesiology image section for a photo and article they submitted about a patient playing the trombone intraoperatively! Read the full article Dr. Fallahian …
Dr. Nathan Hurley’s article featured in Anesthesiology News
Congratulations to resident Nathan Hurley, MD, on his article “Is AI, ChatGPT Ready to Aid in Clinical Decision Making?” recently featured in the Anesthesiology News Technology section. Read the full article. Hurley attended Abiliene Christian …
November and December visiting professors successfully wrap up 2023
The Department of Anesthesiology was honored to host Dr. Steven Orebaugh in November and Dr. Susan Martinelli in December. They successfully helped us wrap up a robust 2023 calendar of visiting academics. We are looking …
Deborah Rusy honored with 2023 GWIMS Impact Award
Deborah Rusy, MD, MBA, was honored with a 2023 Impact Award from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Group on Women and Medicine in Science. The Impact Award recognizes sustained and …