November and December visiting professors successfully wrap up 2023

photo of visiting professor 2023
Dr. Steven Orebaugh in HSLC, grand rounds in November 2023.
Photo of Visiting Professor in HSLC 2023
Dr. Susan Martinelli in HSLC, grand rounds in December 2023.

The Department of Anesthesiology was honored to host Dr. Steven Orebaugh in November and Dr. Susan Martinelli in December. They successfully helped us wrap up a robust 2023 calendar of visiting academics. We are looking forward to the 2024 schedule and welcoming more visiting professors from around the country.

Steven L. Orebaugh, MD, Professor, Department Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the
University of Pittsburgh presented “Tales of Opioid Use, Abuse, Diversion and Destruction” as our
honored visiting professor at HSLC on November 8th.

Susan Martinelli, MD, Professor at UNC School of Medicine, was welcomed by the department on
December 6th, from 6:30–7:30 am, as our Grand Rounds visiting professor. She presented “Active Learning in Anesthesiology Education.”

We sincerely wish to thank Kim Rogan, who seamlessly coordinated the visiting professors schedules and served as a welcoming point of contact for our department.