Strong Showing at the ASA Annual Meeting 2024 in Philadelphia!
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The Department of Anesthesiology was well represented at ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This annual event serves as a cornerstone for the anesthesiology community, offering an unparalleled platform to explore cutting-edge innovations, advance clinical objectives, expand upon knowledge, and fortify professional networks.
DoA Booth Presence and Recruitment
Will Katz, Dr. Josh Sebranek, and Andy Prickett at recruitment and booth.
At the departmental booth in the exhibit hall of the Philadelphia Convention Center, Will Katz, Dr. Joshua Sebranek, and Andy Prickett, our interim recruiter, welcomed attendees and answered questions about the department, our programs, and open faculty positions to prospective anesthesiologists. Attendees were encouraged to visit our website for more in-depth information and to explore leadership opportunities and highlighted positions on our careers page.
Education Program Director, Dr. Eric Simon, with current residents, Drs. Ryan Henschell, Kaya Garringer, and Karly Landvay, at the Residency Open House.
ASA Annual Meeting Resident Open House
The Residency Program Open House was again well attended during Saturday evening of the ASA Annual Meeting. Dr. Eric Simon, Dr. Ryan Henschell, Dr. Kaya Garringer, and Dr. Karly Landvay staffed the DoA Residency Booth and provided information on and insights into our residency program.
DoA Alumni Reception
On Sunday evening, we again hosted a department reception for colleagues and friends of the department. The event was well-attended by faculty, residents, and fellows, as well as alumni and their guests, and was held at the Hard Rock Café, Philadelphia. We offer our enthusiastic thanks to Margaret Williams for her expertise in planning and overseeing the event, and to Judy Helt and Mick Edwards for staffing the evening.
ASA Annual Meeting Presentations
37 faculty, fellows, and residents represented the department in a variety of sessions during the annual meeting in Philadelphia. Visit our department website for the full presenter line-up:
Exhibit Hall Posters
Medically Challenging Cases
MCC Quality Improvement Projects
Problem-Based Learning Discussion (PBLD)
Scientific & Educational Exhibit
Thank you to all who represented the Department of Anesthesiology at the ASA Annual Meeting this year! And a special thank you to all of you who were working in the hospital and clinics during the week of the meeting.
Photo Gallery
Dr. Sydney Smith presenting in the exhibit hall at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Hosea Covington presenting in the exhibit hall at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Nicholas Phillips presenting poster at ASA Annual Meeting.
Brady Kerwin, BS presenting poster at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Ryan Henschell presenting at ASA Annual Meeting.”
Dr. Wilson instructing at the ASA Annual Meeting Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Workshop.
Dr. Grzybowski instructing at the ASA Annual Meeting Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Workshop.
Dr. Kaya Garringer presenting in the exhibit hall at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Ho-Young Ahn presenting in the exhibit hall at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Elizabeth Yun, moderating at ASA Annual Meeting.
Merica Xiong, BS presenting poster in the exhibit hall at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Hosea Covington, Claire X. Sun, BS and Dr. Danielle Savino presenting “Airway Leads Network: History, Successes, Challenges, and Future Directions” at the Scientific and Educational Exhibit.
Drs. Adam Weinstein and Eric Janz are leading the PBLD session on Oct 20, 2024.
Dr. Jonathan Kay leading the PBLD session on October 19, 2024.
Sarah Boutom, MS presented “Unanticipated Post-Procedural Hospitalization Following General Anesthesia in a Patient with COVID-19,” and pictured with mentor, Dr. Elizabeth Townsend.
Booth at ASA Annual meeting group photo of Dr. Sebranek, Judy Helt, Margaret Williams and Will Katz.
Drs. Yun, Lee, McQueen and department guests at evening reception on Sunday evening at Hard Rock Cafe.
Dr Sebranek, Will Katz and guest at evening reception on Sunday at the Hard Rock Cafe.
Dr. Justin Twill socializing at evening reception donning a Wisconsin “Cheesehead” hat.
Drs. Schroeder (Kristopher and Carrie), Ken Van Dyke, and DOA alumnus, Dr. Rich Wolman gathered around a table at the Sunday evening reception.
Drs. Hosea Covington, Olivia Samoray, Navoda Mirihagalle, Elise Dassow, Ho-Young Ahn, Shubham Mangla, and Dan Todorovic pictured in front of an ASA Annual Meeting banner.
Drs. Alyssa Resop and Elizabeth Scholzen at PBLD.
Dr. Olivia Samoray presenting at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Elise Dassow presenting at ASA Annual Meeting.
Drs. Whitney Fallahian, Patrick Meyer, Shubham Mangla presenting Anesthesia Mythbusters at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Robert Shaw presenting poster at ASA Annual Meeting.
Dr. Elizabeth Townsend on panel at FAER/eSAS Day for New Researchers: Perspectives on Careers in Research.