Transplant Anesthesiology Fellowship Faculty

Michael Hannaman,  MD

Clinical Associate Professor
Fellowship Program Director
 Fellowship Director: Transplant Anesthesiology

Christopher Darling,  DO

Associate Professor (CHS)

Molly Groose,  MD, MS

Associate Professor (CHS)
 UWH Medical Director: Transplant Anesthesiology

Laura Hammel,  MD

Associate Professor (CHS)

Zoltan Hevesi,  MD, MBA

Professor (CHS)
 Vice Chair of Quality and Safety
 Division Chief: Transplant Anesthesia

Sergei Lopukhin,  MD

Associate Professor (CHS)

Joshua Sebranek,  MD, MBA

Associate Professor (CHS)
 Senior Vice Chair of Anesthesiology
 Director of Adult Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiology Fellowship