We were fortunate to host visiting anesthesiologist, Hari K. Kalagara, M.B.B.A., M.D., from Mayo Clinic, on Tuesday, May 9th – May 10th, 2023 at the Department of Anesthesiology. Dr. Kalagara’s itinerary was planned by Education Program Assistant, Kim Rogan.
On Tuesday, afternoon Dr. Kalagara met in the Orth Conference Room at University Hospital with the residents for a lecture titled “Neuraxial (Spine) Ultrasound.” About 10-20 residents the lecture and lively post-lecture discussion. Early Wednesday morning, he presented at Grand Rounds in the Health Science Learning Center. Dr. Kalagara’s lecture entitled, “Perioperative Point of Care Ultrasound” was very well attended.
Hari K., Kalagara, M.B.B.A., M.D. is the chair of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) POCUS courses. Dr. Kalagara is a diplomate of NBE, perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and critical care echocardiography.