Clinical Anesthetists: Training and Learning at UW-Madison

The University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics is a premiere quaternary academic institution. View our Clinical Anesthetist career opportunities at UW Health.
The University Hospital is ranked the top hospital in Wisconsin, according to U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Hospitals” list. (11 straight years!). The hospital has 26 inpatient operating rooms, including 1 intraoperative MRI suite, 2 neurosurgery/interventional radiology hybrid ORs, and 1 vascular hybrid OR. More than 13,500 surgical procedures are performed per year. A wide range and variety of surgical procedures are performed within the following surgical specialties: neurosurgery, cardiothoracic, peripheral vascular, orthopedic, general surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, plastics, gynecology, urology, burn, oncology, transplant, and trauma-related procedures.
UW Health at East Madison Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital and clinic providing outpatient and short-term University Hospital and American Family Children’s Hospital are both Level 1 Trauma Centers. Our Clinical Anesthetists and students experience exposure to a wide variety of cases.
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Clinical Anesthetist Simulation Program
The current design of this program focuses on skill-based simulations in anesthesia for practicing Clinical Anesthetists. Skills that can be honed in this program include:
- Central Line Placement
- Ultrasound-guided IVs and Arterial lines
- Regional Anesthesia
- Scenario-based anesthesia cases
POC: Neil Brauner, CRNA
Student Anesthesiologist Assistant Rotations
The UW Department of Anesthesiology educates 8 AA students per month, including six second year AA students and two first year students. We primarily educate students from the Medical College of Wisconsin but we do reserve one rotation spot per month for second year students from all other programs around the country interested in an education opportunity or possible future employment at the University of Wisconsin. At full capacity, our department has 2 Madison-focused MCW second year students, 3 additional MCW second year students, 1 second year student from any other program, and 2 Madison-focused MCW first year students.
Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) SAA Education:
- Madison-Focused program: For 2 students per class from MCW’s SAA program, we offer the option to do their entire clinical training in Madison. Any student accepted to the MCW program has the opportunity to interview with our department for this Madison focused position prior to matriculation. Starting in their first year and continuing through their second year, these MCW students train at UW-Madison while completing all their didactics through MCW. Most second year specialty rotations are also offered to these select students. At full capacity, we will have two second year students and two first year students in this program.
- We have developed multiple additional rotation opportunities in partnership with MCW and can accommodate three of these students per month. In these month-long rotations, students have the opportunity to participate in a general anesthesia rotation, a general anesthesia/regional anesthesia rotation, or a neuroanesthesia rotation. It is possible for students to participate in one or all three month long rotations.
Year 2 Rotations (all other MSA programs):
- We accept 12 students annually for general anesthesia second year rotations, typically 1 student per month. At UW Madison, students are paired with 4–5 CAA preceptors to create a focused training environment. SAAs will have exposure to a variety of cases, such as Cath Labs, Transplants, craniotomies, and Pediatric cases. Our preceptors focus on developing SAA independence, and over the month-long rotation, students will gain the experience and competence to manage patient procedures and surgeries from start to completion. We take pride in the observable skill development during these rotations.
- If you are interested in rotating with us, please be sure to send us your CV and cover letter prior to the AAAA meeting held in the spring before the start of your 2nd year. 2nd year rotation spots for September through the following summer will be scheduled in the spring following the AAAA meeting. Please visit us at our booth at the AAAA for a meet-and-greet as well as any questions.
- If you missed the opportunity but are interested in rotating here for hiring purposes, we will do our best to accommodate you.
POC: Randy DeGreef, CAA
Status: Active
Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist Rotations
The current design of the program will focus on providing a general rotation to senior SRNAs to expand their anesthesia experiences with a variety of cases and help encourage autonomy.
The 4–6-week rotation will be at the East Side Madison Hospital for 1st year SRNAs and will provide Orthopedic, Spine, Endocrine, Bariatric and General surgery cases. Senior SRNA students will begin their rotation at UW Hospital to provide them with more variety of complex cases.
The program launched with SRNAs from Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan/UW-La Crosse with hopes to expand to other programs in the future.
Status: Live as of January 2022
POCs: Neil Brauner, CRNA and Katrina Williams, CRNA