Clinical Anesthestists

In the section below, search and filters appear first, followed by a list of faculty and staff. When a search term is entered into the search input field or a filter is selected, the list of faculty/staff automatically updates to match the search term and/or selected filters.

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Faculty Staff List

Nothing matched the filters you selected.

Eric Ark

Credentials: CRNA

Jessica Ashba

Credentials: CAA

Keisha Ashley

Credentials: CAA

Natasha Baker

Credentials: CRNA

Laura Bayer

Credentials: CRNA

Shelby Beattie

Credentials: CRNA

Chelsea Bennett

Credentials: CRNA

Position title: CA Supervisor EMH/EMC

Eric Bergstrom

Credentials: CAA

Arianna Berry

Credentials: CAA

Craig Beversdorf

Credentials: CAA

Julie Bosch

Credentials: CRNA

Neil Brauner

Credentials: CRNA

Position title: Education Team Lead, Student Nurse Anesthetist Rotations

Nikki Brechtel

Credentials: CAA

Position title: CA Supervisor AFCH/MSC

Kelly Burley

Credentials: CAA

Luke Chandler

Credentials: CAA

Ramon Davis

Credentials: CRNA

Randy DeGreef

Credentials: CAA

Position title: Education Team Lead, Student Anesthesiology Assistant Rotations

Michael Devine

Credentials: CAA

Katie Emmert

Credentials: CAA

Zachary Erickson

Credentials: CAA

William Filbey

Credentials: CAA

Katie Fink

Credentials: CAA

Katie Garland

Credentials: CAA

Lillian Goldbach Baker

Credentials: CAA

Position title: CA Supervisor UH/DHC

Nicole Gustafson

Credentials: CAA

Muhammad Hassan

Credentials: CAA

Phil Hemmerling

Credentials: CAA

Matthew Ireland

Credentials: CAA

Roman Kagan

Credentials: CAA

Janie Kersten

Credentials: CAA

Kathleen King

Credentials: CAA

Ilene Klassy

Credentials: CRNA

Emma Knudsen

Credentials: CAA

Allison Kolowrat

Credentials: CRNA

Rebecca Konkol

Credentials: CRNA

Dawn Konop-Sage

Credentials: CRNA

Anna Kunde

Credentials: CRNA

Andre Branislav Lakic

Credentials: CAA

Andrew Le

Credentials: CAA

Richard Lenz

Credentials: CAA

Taylor Lewis

Credentials: CAA

Phillip Lu

Credentials: CAA

Paul Manganaro

Credentials: CAA

Morgan Mann

Credentials: CAA

Position title: Clinical Anesthetist

Luke Martin

Credentials: CAA

Kevin Mayes

Credentials: CAA

Kelly McClanahan

Credentials: CAA

Judy McCorkell

Credentials: CRNA

Bethany Meyering

Credentials: CAA

Gabriel Morrison

Credentials: CRNA

Tyler Moses

Credentials: CAA

Emily Mycyk

Credentials: CAA

Alicia Oettinger

Credentials: CAA

Position title: Clinical Anesthetist

Andrew Perkins

Credentials: CRNA

Position title: CA Representative UW/MSC/AFCH

Jessica Peszek

Credentials: CAA

Ginette Peterson

Credentials: CRNA

McKenzie Poetzel

Credentials: CAA

Ian Rasch

Credentials: CAA

Matt Rekowski

Credentials: CAA

Morgan Saari

Credentials: CAA

Brooke Schliewe

Credentials: MPH, CAA

Position title: Clinical Anesthetist Manager

Erin Sebens

Credentials: CRNA

Lindsey Selander

Credentials: CAA

Emily Simpson

Credentials: CAA

Hannah Sleep

Credentials: CRNA

Arlene Tobin

Credentials: CRNA

Carrah Tovar

Credentials: CRNA

Derek Wiedmeyer

Credentials: CAA

Katrina Williams

Credentials: CRNA

Position title: CA Student Education Coordinator, Student Nurse Anesthetist Rotations

Tamara Willman

Credentials: CRNA

Laura Wyatt

Credentials: CAA

Position title: Assistant CA Student Education Coordinator, Student AA Rotations

Joshua Zembles

Credentials: CAA